Rebecca Ballard

Tech Whisperer

Taming technology, so you can get on with what you do best.



About me Simplero Services Resources for Singing Leaders Singers and Singing

For many years, I was a Technical Trainer specialising in computer training for blind and partially sighted people. It brought 2 of my favourite things together:

  • Technology (I am a gadget geek as my friends and family will tell you)
  • Helping people achieve their potential.

I still have visually impaired clients and am very proud of what I help them do.

Music has always been a big part of my life. Now singing and leading singers has given me health and community - and more access to musical geekiness!

The COVID pandemic helped me see how technology can offer so much for Online Business owners, and Singing Leaders, but how it can also get in the way of them doing what they do best.

How I can help

Do you

  • feel you are you spending too much time grappling with admin and not enough quality time on your business?
  • know technology would help, but don't know where to start?

I can:

  • Do your techy stuff, freeing you to do what you do best
  • point you in the right direction and be beside you on the journey
  • shorten your learning curve, so you spend more time doing your stuff 
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