Rebecca's Blog


Keyboard Shortcut


For a list of keyboard shortcuts, see Table of keyboard shortcuts.

Firefox shortcuts preview
Firefox 3.0 menu with shortcuts highlighted with green and mnemonics highlighted with yellow.

example file and edit menus


Composite of two Macintosh Finder menus with keyboard shortcuts specified in the right column

In computing, a keyboard shortcut is a series of one or several keys that invoke a software or operating system operation (in other words, cause an event) when triggered by the user. The meaning of term "keyboard shortcut" can va…

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Accessibility and the Kindle Fire HD

Accessibility for Kindle Fire

For an alternative way of reading books, the Kindle Fire is an interesting one. Amazon have built in accessibility features into the Kindle Fire HD and the Kindle Fire HDX.

New Kindle Fire will be accessible! | The Chicago Dream

http://blindchicagodream.wordpress.comThu, 26 Sep 2013 23:37:37 GMT

Many rears ago I did a review of the kindle and I complained that it wasn't accessible. I'm actually quite happy that I'm eating my own words when I have said that "I doubt Ama…

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ToggleKeys is a feature of Microsoft Windows. It is an accessibility function which is designed for people who have a visual impairment or cognitive disabilities. When ToggleKeys is turned on, the computer will provide sound cues when the locking keys (Caps Lock, Num Lock, or Scroll Lock) are pressed. A high-pitched sound plays when the keys are switched on and a low-pitched sound plays when they are switched off.


Microsoft first introduced ToggleKeys with Windows 95. The feature is als…

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Accessible iPad Apps

iPads are one of the hottest technologies of the last five years. My nephew, who is dyslexic, has found his to be a great help. For him the clarity of the screen has ben its greatest selling point. That has got me wondering about iPad Apps that might be useful across other disabilities. I've been delving around the 'net and here are some articles I found interesting.

Steff Green at the picks her top 6.

Six of the Best Accessible IPad Apps - The Disabled Shop Blog


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Windows 8 and Accessibility

Many of us are aware that Microsoft is preparing the next version of its Windows Operating System (OS). for those of us interest in assistive technology the big question is what they are building in the the new OS in terms of its accessibility. Here's a few pieces of the jigsaw that I've discovered recently.

Let's start with what Microsoft themselves are saying in the form of Jennifer Norberg, a senior program manager lead on their HID team.

Enabling accessibility - Building Windows 8 - Site Home …

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Personal Search Engine

If you're anything like me, you've got more and more files on your computer. Keeping track of exactly where you saved something can be a bit of a nightmare, even with the best folder/directory structure in the world. Well, some of the big players in the Internet Search Engine business are looking to give us the same sort of service looking for our own files on our computers.

I heard about this on BBC World's ClickOnline Programme. (Thanks to my sister Julia in Cardiff for pointing me towards thi…

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Google tests Web search for blind - Yahoo! News UK

Came across this news recently. It seems that Google are looking into the possibility of checking websites for their accessibiiyt for people who use screen readers - software that enables blind and partialyy sighted computer users to access inter pages.

These software packages, such as Jaws, Hal, Window-Eyes, have spicific things that make web pages accessible. By the way, research has shown that web pages that are accessible to screen readers are also much easier for all website readers.


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Default Buttons in Dialog Boxc

In the vast majority of dialog boxes there is a button that looks slightly different to any other buttons, maybe with more of a 3D look or maybe a slightly different colour.

This is what can be described as the default button. This means that this is the button that gets pressed when you press the ENTER key, no matter which control has "focus".

So for example, when you close a document you may get a message asking whether you want to save changes, you will probably have 3 buttons - yes, no and…

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