Rebecca's Blog


Enable Content - Microsoft

Attachment - Facebook Post

When you receive an email (particularly in Outlook) with an attachment, if the the attached document is a word document, Excel spreadsheet or PowerPoint Presentation, you will often get a message about it being in protected view.

This is a security feature as attachments could contain viruses or other nasty things.

If you use a mouse you can click on a button on the bar underneath the Ribbon. However you can use a keystroke sequence instead.

The sequence is:

  • Alt + F…

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Windows 8 and Accessibility

Many of us are aware that Microsoft is preparing the next version of its Windows Operating System (OS). for those of us interest in assistive technology the big question is what they are building in the the new OS in terms of its accessibility. Here's a few pieces of the jigsaw that I've discovered recently.

Let's start with what Microsoft themselves are saying in the form of Jennifer Norberg, a senior program manager lead on their HID team.

Enabling accessibility - Building Windows 8 - Site Home …

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