Rebecca's Blog

Web Accessibility

Personal Search Engine

If you're anything like me, you've got more and more files on your computer. Keeping track of exactly where you saved something can be a bit of a nightmare, even with the best folder/directory structure in the world. Well, some of the big players in the Internet Search Engine business are looking to give us the same sort of service looking for our own files on our computers.

I heard about this on BBC World's ClickOnline Programme. (Thanks to my sister Julia in Cardiff for pointing me towards thi…

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Google tests Web search for blind - Yahoo! News UK

Came across this news recently. It seems that Google are looking into the possibility of checking websites for their accessibiiyt for people who use screen readers - software that enables blind and partialyy sighted computer users to access inter pages.

These software packages, such as Jaws, Hal, Window-Eyes, have spicific things that make web pages accessible. By the way, research has shown that web pages that are accessible to screen readers are also much easier for all website readers.


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