Rebecca's Blog

Facebook page

Facebook Groups - useful for Choir Leaders?

FB Group pages as laptop and as phoneFacebook Groups are more of a community than a page. They are set up for small group communication and for people to share their common interests and express their opinion. They are ideal for Choir Leaders to share information specifically with your singers, and for them to share information between themselves. You can have one Facebook Group for each choir or have one group for all your choirs.

Worried about more admin?

You do not have to run your Group(s) yourself. You can have one or more membe…

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What are Facebook Pages for?

FceBook Page as a laptop and as a phoneFacebook pages are designed to be the official profiles for entities, such as celebrities, brands or businesses and so are visible to everyone on the internet. There is no charge to have an FB Page.

People can like and follow your page and get updates from your page in their News Feed. You can post information that your followers will see in their timeline, which they can like (and their friends might see that they’ve liked). Your followers can share your post with their friends too so more peopl…

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