My First Workshop - Part 1

big green tickI have finally organised my first singing workshop! Yay! But, I want to be sure that I am not going to lose money.

So my "Inner Excel Geek" created a spreadsheet (obviously - that's what all all good geeks do, isn't it?) to check my figures and to use next time. I was very happy with it. The spreadsheet, helped me work out what was a reasonable price to charge for an early-bird ticket and how many tickets I had to sell to know that I could run the workshop and not lose money. It also allowed my t…

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How to check on my availability

I thought it might be useful if you could have a look at when I am available to carry out training with you, your colleague or your client. So I've created a Google Calendar which you can look at. I will endeavour to keep it up-to-date. If you would like to book me for some time, look at when I'm available then give me a call on 029 2125 0662, or drop me a line to

Here's my diary:

Do please let me know if you find this useful.

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